Stop complaining when life events hit you hard!
Few days back, I was talking to one of my friend. While having a conversation, he said one line which was a highlight for me. He said, “Bhaisahab, jab zindagi me aise events aate hai, kya fight maarte ho na aap, kya comeback hota hai vo”. His words took all my attention. There are two ways you can choose in such situations. Either you make yourself depressed, you keep asking questions to yourself as to why this has happened to me, and make every single moment unworthy. But, my dear friend, if you’re reading this, life is short. When I said two ways, the other way is to fight back, evolve yourself, make the most out of it. If this hard event has happened, it has happened to make you strong.
To be human is to understand that life is going to meet you with circumstances that will bury you deep within yourself, with things that will hurt to acknowledge, with people who will fumble with the way you feel so deeply. It is to understand that life is going to meet you with opportunities that will make your chest well with gratitude, with people who will hold even the most damaged parts of who you are and kiss them softly, folding them back into you a little less bruised, and a little less broken.
To be human is to understand that you have the capacity to be the person you’ve always hoped to be, that you don’t have to surrender yourself to the person you were when you were navigating your sadness, or your confusion, or how lost you felt. You don’t have to hang your mistakes along your spine — you are strong enough to forgive them.
To be human is to understand that happiness is not constant. Neither is sorrow, or grief, or heartache. To be human is to feel it all, to welcome the lessons that come with dark days, to welcome the softness that comes from the lightness of what saves you. To be human is to grow in the ups, and to grow in the downs. Keep growing❤