Stop Looking Outside for Pleasure or Fulfillment
You have a treasure within yourself and that is greater than anything the world can ever offer.
People look themselves in the pages of books, fairy tales, movies, biographies, and science. Meaning, they seek validation outside their own self. They often follow the non idealistic way through which they can feel worthy. These ways which are into their head create a belief system that does not serve them for long term. Seeking for validations makes an individual dependent on others.
We think we need validation from outside ourselves most of the time. Validations definitely helps us auto-correct or recognise the mistakes but we cannot correct anything unless we know what’s wrong specifically. We keep on living under everyone’s control while seeking for validations. We fail to realise that if our brain understands why something is wrong and what’s wrong, we can auto-correct ourselves.
If we do not have a bond with our own instincts, we cannot create a bond with any individual’s instincts. Sometimes, in relationships an individual seek attention from their partners not because he/she likes them but because they want them to get validated from their partner everytime. These are people who wants to get empowered particularly with compliments. They want to feel how lovable and attractive they are.
In my point of view, seeking validation every single time is exactly same as not living life with a purpose. You are an actor of your own life and you still allow people to take control over it. If you don’t have self esteem and if you are searching out, you can’t help others.
It is absolutely fine if you don’t know the answer to a question because of which you ask for validations. However, ask yourself and engage in those actions to get the validations on your own for yourself. Some of us can’t even bear expressing ourselves because we don’t want to feel insecure. Why can’t we all just be ourselves?
Wayne Dyer said:
“The more you see yourself as what you’d like to become and act as if you want is already there, the more you’ll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dreams into reality”.So, why not create yourself in the image of best version of you possible instead of looking for yesterday’s you?
It has always been said that when we approve of ourselves, rather than always seeking approval of others, is when we find happiness. When the baby takes his/her first step, he/she is rewarded with applause. When we run a bicycle for the first time, someone praises us. When we get good grades at school, parents and society praises us. When we get select in good universities, they do the same. When we get a job, they again praise us (without knowing how the job life is going on).
Self worth always comes from within, you can’t rely on other people to validate you!