The stillness which brought chaos!
The only certainty in this world is, everything is uncertain. So, today is all we have. It is upto you to stick to a routine and maintain normality. Or, it may mean doing something by embracing this season. The days when we could have taken a chance will fade into past if we don’t take them now.
Yesterday, I got an old photograph from my friend. I’m grateful for those moments. Some pictures just make you cry and laugh hard at the same time. And it was that exact same photograph for me. They were alive, persisting and surviving events and we made the most of it.
The feeling made me question what do I really strive for. Every human being searches for that thing to make them seem whole: a job, a partner, a perfect body, perfect destinations to travel, perfect fantasies.
These things do make life exciting, as they are something to strive towards. But they often make us feel stable until we are searching for the next thing.
Today, one of my friend said, “you know… I knew you would be one of those who won’t ask what happened but will appreciate that feel” … and those lines just became more rejuvenating for me. Making me realise: this is what I strive for.
We have become habitual to comfort happiness. Perhaps, we have lost that human instict to pay attention to our surrounding. The value of time disappears into nonexistence if we don’t make most of it.
We all like to think that we are emotionally mature and strong. But, the truth is, we hold biases about ourselves. And these biases influence the person we see when we look in the mirror.