YOU are the author of YOUR own book!

Divya Chandan
3 min readJan 10, 2021


We tend to be our own enemy by not asking ourselves tough questions, avoiding short term pain for long term gain, worrying about mistakes and failures.

What if we could reprogram our mind to work in our favor and writing our chapters of happiness and success.

1. Be honest with yourself

We tend to lie to ourselves to protect ourselves. We do ourselves an injustice. We avoid the areas where we can improve to the heights. Refining the skill that we lack helps us on our journey to success. We have an opportunity each and every day to lean into that area and move away from that area.

Let’s take an example of exercise. We all know that exercise is good for long term health. What becomes important is the action behind the thinking. You can think about it the whole day. But unless you are going to the gym or for a run, you are not doing any favours to yourself. If you are honest and ask yourself that what does it mean if i don’t go to the gym today. It is keeping you away to reach your long term goal of fitness. That honesty leads to long term growth.

Honesty comes in other forms as well. Being honest about your weakness. If you avoid admitting and implementing a plan to improve it, you’ll always stay in the same place. You understand your core values because the intentions behind your actions are always much larger than the setbacks you’ve faced. This honesty also creates the clarity about what do you want out of life. What does happiness look like to you, how do you want to create that happiness.

Many people face problem of not knowing answers to these questions because many don’t allow to ask these questions to themselves.

2. Stop looking for instant gratification

Your need for instant gratification is probably keeping you from getting things done. Many people in this world strive towards success to happen in snap of a finger. Think about our posts. We want likes and comments almost immediately. I’m certainly not saying those things are bad at all but the mentality has birth this thinking that everything should come easy. Instant gratification often manifest as procrastination. Its the idea that the short term happiness is better than the short term pain for long term happiness. Instant gratification rarely gets us to where we want to go. You need to give something to the world to gain in return which may come in the form of energy, time, resources. The idea of instant graticification leads to implusive behaviour. It leads to more stress and anxiety.

3. Forget about what shouldn’t happen

We are constantly setting expectations for tomorrow, which is important ofcourse. But the issue arises when our expectations doesn’t hit reality. You can’t have success without failure. It is built into the equation. The mindset should be able to accept the fact that you might fail. If you are welcoming that thought, you will no longer fear it. Failure should be rewarded.

4. Remind yourself -why you are pushing

Many people fail to realise that why they started once they strike with difficulties in the journey. Reminding yourself of why you started not only keeps you grounded but acts as a contant reminder behind your "why". Remind yourself that tough things in life are worth fighting for. Remind yourself of what does it feel like when you achieve that goal, that fulfillment. Your happiness should be at the center of all your decisions. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

5. You can pause the moment

Life gets busy but at the end of the day you hold the wheel of your life. You can turn the directions. Some of you might think that why do you need to take break if you are faster towards your goal. Well, its not about speed, its about consistency. If you want to step away for the day to gain clarity, you have that option. Sometimes taking a step away is exactly what you need for long term happiness.

Spreading love and happiness



Divya Chandan
Divya Chandan

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